Monday, April 22, 2019

Destruction Project

For the alteration project, my initial reaction was to cannibalize my least favorite pieces to create an amalgamation of the work I didn’t particularly like from this semester, hopefully turning it into something I was proud of. Being that was my go-to reaction, I instead thought to do completely the opposite. Instead, I sought to take one of my favorite pieces, deconstructing the piece itself to add onto itself. Each section cut out to add to another portion would change either the negative space within the composition, or the overall framework of it.
             Many of the parts that I chose to cover up were aspects of the piece I found to be imperfect or not up to my personal standards. Like any artist, it’s easy for me to pick apart my pieces of all the elements I think are lackluster or in need of improvement. Playing with that longing for the impossible goal of perfection, I sought to call attention to the portions of the piece that I wished I had done differently. By taking cutouts and applying them upon the drawing and redrawing, it helped call attention to where I didn’t like. It in turn created a dichotomy, one side being that I was able to redo what I found to dislike while also still paying homage and calling attention to my own perceived mistakes. 
            I sought to incorporate both geometric elements as well as some minor organic illustration adorning the figures shoulder. I sought to pay homage to sea life with the organic structure, much like within the music video for the artist Panda Bear, Boys Latin. In addition, I used tape due to tapes often repairing properties, incorporating it to fix or mend an element of the composition itself. The figures face was also one of my favorite elements, so I sought to mask it. Masks are always one of my favorite elements within much of fiction I consume, so to pay homage to that was important.


Panda Bear Music Video
Image result for panda bear music video 

Image result for panda bear music video

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