Monday, April 22, 2019

Destroyed Project

Destroyed Project

For this project, it took me a while to figure out exactly what I was going to do in the first place. So after a while, I decided I wanted to manipulate my figure studies in some way to create something different with them. But exactly what I was going to do with them I still wasn't sure, this is going to sound weird but eventually, I was inspired by the first episode of the eighth season of Game of Thrones. (Not really a spoiler but spoiler warning anyway) There is a scene in that episode where the characters come across a spiral made out of body parts in an abandoned castle, which they eventually light on fire. And while definitely disturbing I thought it was a really cool visual and decided to try and replicate that in my piece. So I took all of the larger figure studies that we did through the semester and cut all of the body pieces apart. 

Originally I was going to arrange them on one piece of 18x24 paper but that was way too small, so I moved all of my pieces onto two pieces taped together. Arranging them was another challenge since I didn't fully want to replicate the exact shape from the show and I wanted a shape that flowed better. Plus I needed to find a way to get the colored pieces to not look out of place among the other pieces. So I decided to disperse them through the piece so they didn't end up drawing too much focus to those pieces. I did, however, decide to put the largest colored piece, the torso, in the middle of the image to initially draw your attention then lead it around the spiral. When I was laying down all the pieces I started with the largest pieces and worked my way around the spiral until I got to the hands and the feet at the end. I didn't cut all of the pieces apart though, I kept a couple of the limbs intact if they went with the curve of the spiral which a couple of them did. I glued them all down with a glue stick.

When I was finished with the spiral and stepped back to look at it I didn't like the amount of white space that there was so I decided to curve the ends of the paper to make it mimic the shape of the spiral.

Spiral from the show

My full figure studies
Cut up pieces 

Arranging them
Finished Piece.

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