Monday, April 23, 2018

Self-Generated Project - Ellen Chapman

Self-Generated Project

Going into my self-generated project, I knew I wanted to spend more time on it. I feel as though a lot of my projects this semester have been rushed or not as polished as I at first envisioned them to be. So with this project, I spent a lot of time in preparation and planning. In a lot of my projects, I have leaned towards portraits or imagery that is clear in what I am trying to depict. For this project, I wanted to be more abstract and geometric. A way I realized I could do this was through origami. I have never done origami before but have always appreciated it’s sharpness and simplistic beauty.
 The first thing I had to do was read and watch tutorials on basic folding patterns. I decided to make an origami rose with a leaf behind it. Even with clear tutorials, this took a couple tries until I was satisfied. Finally, after successfully creating one, I decided to start sketching a replication of it on watercolor Bristol paper. I used a ruler and made measurements so it was exact. The outer shapes were pretty close to exact to the origami but as I spent more time on it I decided to give myself more liberty with the lines I was adding. I chose to change the color of the replication to blue because I felt it added to the crystal kind of image it was beginning to shape into. I’m pretty satisfied with the result, and how clean-cut it is.

Below are two artists who inspired me. Sarah Morris and Maya Huyuk.

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