Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Collection Blog Post

I don’t have a lot of memories from when I was a kid, so I especially don’t remember what I used to collect besides the basics. If I passed by a rock that I liked, I would pick it up. If I noticed that I didn’t have a quarter with a certain state on the back of it, I would keep it in a jar. You want Build-a-bears? I had 20. Silly Bandz were the top thing in 2010, so they covered my wrists. As I got older and edgier, I had drawers full of band t-shirts and bracelets. While being an athlete, I would buy a t-shirt and at least three hair bows from each tournament that I went to.
I had so much trouble deciding what to collect for this project. Procrastination was definitely my middle name. It wasn’t until I was looking through my jewelry box I noticed a little bowl that I had that was full of tags from clothes that I had bought and decided to keep. I didn’t even notice that I was collecting them. I started to do this during the summer because I worked in retail and would constantly purchase items from my department ( that’s how they get you). My work had a great return policy, so even if I didn’t have my receipt or tag with me, they could find my proof of purchase and return it no matter what. However, I would keep the tags anyways. I still had tags from clothing in my closet, and I had made some purchase orders that were going to arrive soon, and so I decided to add those to what I already had.
I decided to arrange my clothing tags the way that I did because I noticed that there were a couple and sometimes multiple of the same tags from the same brands. I also decided to arrange them from a more random geometric shape to rectangular. Rather than putting them on a pedestal, I wanted to display them on the wall because tags are hung on clothes, so I wanted them to be hung on the wall.

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