Monday, April 23, 2018

Self-Generated Project

Self-Generated Project

At first, when thinking about the self-generated project, I was a little lost on the concept I wanted to create. I proceeded to think about my final series project and decided I was going to use the concept of my final series for this project. It was a way to test out the size I wanted to do, and the mediums I wanted to use. I do not want to give away my whole concept for all those that are reading this, but it is along the lines of certain feelings that I endure due to an illness. I decided to test of the mediums of watercolor, marker, white-out paint, and soft pastel. I was influenced by the abstract expressionist movement artwork.

This link that I attached really resonated with my concept and idea when I was research difference art movements to get inspiration. The point of my project of doing an abstract drawing was to capture the essence of my feelings which often times made me feel like I was living in a trance or not in a real world. Often times this was because episodes of my illness affect how I see things and the medication that I was on sometimes made me feel as if I was melting. 

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