Outwardly and in public, I tend to keep myself emotionally put together and calm. Only a few of my closest friends have seen me completely fall into fits of depression and stress. To combat this lately though, I’ve been meditating daily (well, more or less daily). It should be noted I am not spiritual or religious in any sense and typically believe things such as meditation to be a bit of a hoax. After on and off meditating for the past four months or so, I can confidently say it’s been the most clear minded I’ve been in the past three years or so. I don’t know if it’s changing situations, meditating, or a combination of both, but I knew I wanted to illustrate this new piece of mind I have for this project.
After researching some images of meditation, I came across many floating images that were reminiscent of Buddha. After seeing all the floating meditators, I decided I wanted to make this a vertical piece where the mediator is floating above the contrasting image of someone literally drowning in stress. I believe some of my inspiration for my stressed, drowning self-came from Viviana’s previous piece where she showed herself drowning in her hair.

To connect the two I decided to use the hair to convey the idea of control – similar to a puppet and puppeteer. The meditator is shown to be the one in control (the puppeteer), while on the other hand, the girl drowning in her hair down below is out of control (the puppet). In the past, I felt as if my daily goal was to find those moments where I could embody the essence of the mediator but recently, my struggle has been to stay in control and not letting my stressed and depressed self pull me down.
Research on What is an Alter Ego:
Color and Emotion Articles:
Headspace Visualization Technique:
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