Sunday, April 22, 2018

Self Generated Project

Sheridan Scifres

Professor Cindy
15 April 2018
Advanced Drawing
Self Generated Project

When I think of self-Generated I first thought of a drawing with no external influences, be it straight from consciousness, or in the mind. I was thinking abstract, very modern or expressionistic. At first I wanted to merge my love for sculpture with drawing by sculpting something onto the drawing, but then realized we had to sculpt, then draw. So this for me, was a VERY fun assignment because what I drew was also produced by me, and thus became very abstract, and weird, yet using regular shapes used in everyday settings: spheres and pyramids.
I started of this assignment thinking of geodes and quartz; things that are very earthy and raw, yet also look ‘out of this world’. Something very geometric and structural. I added the twist of adding the balls to break up the harshness of the straight lines. The sculpture I sculpted also reminded me of your typical punk, heavy metal person, spiky hair that looks more uncomfortable then it does cool type of hairstyle.

The first artist that came to mind was actually my ceramic professor Dave Kiddie! His sculptures are very geometrical, yet fluid, and contain a sense of movement within each piece. They are large and usually painted very vibrantly, and sometimes earthy. They look almost microscopic, as if a tiny cell was enlarged to be a thousand times its original size. The choice of color, sometimes bright and sometimes not, I think really ads to the piece. When they are all monochromatic with slight variations that firing glazes have, the effect it has on the sculpture is very interesting. It forces the viewer to look mainly at the shape, form, and surface of the sculpture, whereas the multicolored ones tend to straw away from that. The monochromatic color also emphasizes the repeating pattern that is often used in his sculptures. The form is repeated and thus the color, making them a very unified piece of work. Thus my sculpture, idea, and color were influenced by this artist because although my sculpture came straight from my head and not from an some macro image of a virus, or cell, it has qualities that lead to those type of connotations.

Another main influence for me was kinetic sculptures. Although my drawing is not kinetic by any means; the sculpture and form have that kinetic quality being that they seem to have a sense of movement and repeated pattern that continues on past the boundaries of the paper. These examples are two of my favorites and I feel like I could stare at them for minutes at a time studying the movement and shape.

Lastly, is this cool artist named Bergdorf Goodman, who creates drawing, or sculptures, however the viewer wants to put it, out of tulle, a common fabric like material. His paintbrush is rather an iron, and the material he draws with is the tulle. The combination of such two non form of art making is quite spectacular, and here is an interview of him and his process.

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