My intention for this assignment was to focus on the process of creating instead of the finished result. I've been feeling a lot of anxiety lately, and when I get anxious I have a really hard time "turning off" my brain or quieting my thoughts. Because of this, I wanted to use the process of art to help relax me and distract me. I've always gravitated towards areas of detail in my artwork. I love the feeling of losing myself in the meticulous process of creating detailed designs and patterns. For this mail art project, I decided to do 10 small postcards of detailed line drawings. I enjoyed experimenting with straight lines, curved lines, and circular shapes to create a unique design for each card. When I was feeling overwhelmed or antsy, I would sit down and work on a postcard. Additionally, I drew the postcards as potential coloring pages for the recipient, in order to pass along the calming experience I achieved through drawing them. Although some of the designs definitely turned out better than others, I really enjoyed the process of creating each individual piece. While there is variety between each of the postcards, they were all part of the same creative process. I am very much a believer in art as therapy, and so I really appreciate the opportunity to create right now.

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