I am constantly looking to push the boundaries of my art and of my viewers as well. I wanted to talk about something meaningful to me, but in my own style. I felt that collage allowed me to transform existing material with it's own context into something new; re-contextualization.
Collage is also considered a non-traditional art form. Although it is clearly art, it is often overlooked as a craft. This potentially negative stigma gives an artist more potential to create unique, original art that moves the viewer. Let's be honest, how much more original can you be with a simple graphite portrait drawing? It's been done by every art student and artist around the world, you're not going to reinvent the wheel drawing portraits in graphite. Collage however has much more potential in my mind.
One of my biggest inspirations in collage, and specifically using pornographic/nude images, is Suzanne Wright. Last year I took drawing and planning with Suzanne and her work in "Cock, Paper, Scissors" is what really inspired me. Before talking to Suzanne I never considered working in collage as a formal art form, and I also never considered using pornographic images as art. However, I have been challenging what art can be in my mind. Where can art come from and how can it be used to transport our message to the viewers.
I have a small collection of coffee table books (fashion, interior design, landscape, etc.) in my house and I've always been interested in the bougie, formal, uptight and proper manner in which these books are compiled. I wanted to juxtapose this with something extremely in your face and anti-conservative. Which is (not so ironically) how I treat the world and our political climate. I spend a lot of my time breaking norms, pushing gender limits, and challenging societal norms, so my first reaction to these conservative, formal books was to juxtapose them with gay pornographic images.
The idea of seeing these pages in an upper income, conservative home made me chuckle and brought a sense of humor to my recent artwork.
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